RECOUP Publications
Listed here are the different categories of our publications.
Please use the rightmenu to access navigate between them.
1. RECOUP Working Paper Series
The RECOUP Working Paper Series is the main publication outlet of the Consortium and its partners. The page features downloadable full-text papers which describe research in progress by the author(s) and present key findings of RECOUP research to elicit comment from research and academic communities in the UK and abroad, and to further debate. Many of the papers reproduced here will be published in commercial or academic sources at a later date.
2. RECOUP Policy Briefs
These 18 Policy Briefs contain short analytical pieces written in concise, non-technical language.
They are aimed at those national and international education policy-makers and members of the general public who are interested in the linkages between education, poverty and development.
3. Project Publications
Lists bibliographical references to key publications produced by RECOUP project partners in the form of books, book chapters, journal articles, conference and mimeo papers.
The references are organised according to our research themes.