Project Publications: Health & Fertility Outcomes
Aslam, M. (2008). Maternal education and child health - understanding the pathways in Pakistan. Paper presented at a RECOUP-MHHDC dissemination seminar. Islamabad: MHHDC
Aslam, M., Kingdon, G. & Malik, S. (2008). Maternal education and child health - understanding the pathways in Pakistan. Mimeo. Oxford: CSAE, Department of Economics, University of Oxford (January 2008).
Bhatti, F. & Jeffery, R. (2009). Education's role in health and fertility change in Pakistan. Paper presented at UKFIET Oxford International Conference on Education and Development, 15-17 September 2009.
Bhatti, F. & Jeffery, R. (2009). Health and Fertility outcomes of education for poor women in Pakistan. Paper presented at UKFIET Oxford International Conference on Education and Development, 15-17 September 2009.
Jeffrey, C., Jeffery, R. & Jeffery, P. (2008). School and madrasah education: gender and the strategies of Muslim young men in rural north India. Compare.
Jeffrey, C., Jeffery, R. & Jeffery, P. (2008). Degrees without freedom.
Jeffrey, C., Jeffery, R. & Jeffery, P. (2008). Disputing contraception: Muslim reform, secular change and fertility. Modern Asian Studies.
Jeffery, R., Jeffery, P. & Jeffery, C. (2007). The Privatisation of Secondary Schooling in Bijnor: A Crumbling Welfare State? In Kumar, K. & Osterheld, J. (eds.) (2007) Education and Social Change in South Asia, pp. 442-74. New Delhi: Orient Longman.
Jeffery, P., Jeffery, R. & Jeffery, C. (2007). Investing in the future: Education in the social and cultural reproduction of Muslims in Uttar Pradesh. In Mushirul Hasan (ed.) Living with Secularism: The Destiny of India's Muslims, 63-89. New Delhi: Manohar. [Delhi@Manohar]
Monk, C. & Teal, F. (2008). Health and job quality in Ghana: Is self-employment bad for your health? Mimeo. Oxford: CSAE, Department of Economics, University of Oxford (Jan 2008).
Monk, C. & Teal, F. (2008). Health and labour market outcomes in urban Ghana. Mimeo. Oxford: CSAE, Department of Economics, University of Oxford.
Noronha, C., Basu, S., De, A. & Jeffery, R. (2008). Fertility Decline: Is it an Outcome of Schooling? Paper presented at India Mid-Term Dissemination Workshop, December
Noronha, C., Jeffery, R., Jeffery, P., & the RECOUP India research team. (2008). Schooling, Marriage And Fertility For Poor Women In Urban And Rural North India: Preliminary Results From Alwar And Dewas. Paper presented at the Indian Association for Women's Studies conference, Lucknow, India(forthcoming in collected papers from the workshop).