Project Publications: Youth, Gender & Citizenship
Arnot, M. Chege, F. N. and Wawire, V. (2012) Gendered constructions of citizenship: young Kenyans’ negotiations of rights discourses, Comparative Education, Special Issue Youth Citizenship and the Politics of Belonging, 48,1, 87-102
Arnot, M. Casely-Hayford, L.,Chege, F. (2012) Schooling, rights and urban poverty: young people’s narratives of citizenship in two sub-Saharan cities, in C. Colclough (ed) Educational Outcomes and Poverty: a reassessment, London: Routledge. pp 36-54
Arnot, M. Jeffery, R., Casely-Hayford, L. Noronha, C. (2011) Schooling and domestic transitions: shifting gender relations and female agency in rural Ghana and India, Comparative Education 1-14 ifirst. 48,2, 181-194
Arnot, M. and Naveed, A. (2014 forthcoming) Educational outcomes across the generational and gender divide: The rural family habitus of Pakistani families living in poverty, Gender and Education.
Arnot, M. and Naveed, A. (2011), ‘Intergenerational educational transition: Micro changes in rural Pakistani households’ at the 11th UK Foundation for International Education and Training (UKFIET) Conference “Global Challenges for Education: Economics, Environment and emergency”, September 13-15, University of Oxford, UK
Arnot, M. and Swartz, S. (2012) Youth citizenship and the politics of belonging: introducing contexts, voices, imaginaries, Comparative Education Special Issue Youth Citizenship and the Politics of Belonging, 48,1, p 1-10
Arnot, M., and Swartz, S (2012) ‘Recognising women’s contribution to the social-moral fabric in the 21st century: Countering violence and building gender respect’ Accepted under the "Addressing Inequalities" Global Thematic Consultation - Call for Proposals for Background Papers, October 2012 available at
Arnot, M., (2010) Promoting Substantive Gender Equality in Education: Youth Citizenship No. 17
Arnot, M. (2010). Forging a feminist approach to global citizenship education: contemporary conflicts between human rights and Southern perspectives. Keynote paper at Gender and Education Annual Seminar 11 January 2010, Gender and Development and Multicultural Venues for Health and Education, niversity of Bergen.
Arnot, M., Jeffery, R., Casely-Hayford, L., Noronha, C., Musah, E. & Salifu, E. (2009). Education and transformations in the transition(s) to adulthood: gender automonies and relations in India and Ghana. UKFIET Youth Citizenship and the Politics of Belonging Syumposium. Oxford.
Arnot, M. & Fennell, S. (2009). Decentring hegemonic gender theory: the implications for educational research and teaching. Working Paper No. 21.
Arnot, M. (2008). Educating Young Citizens: social discrimination, gender equality and global democratic issues. (Paper presented to the State Council for Educational Research Conference on Democratic and Secular Education: Kerala in the International Context 4-6 December 2008) - to be published in Conference Proceedings.
Arnot, M., Casely-Hayford, L., Chege, F., Dovie, D.A. & Wainaina, P.K. (2008).Youth Citizenship, National Unity and Poverty Alleviation: East and West African approaches to the education of a new generation. Working Paper No. 26.
Fennell, S. and Arnot, M. (eds) (2008) Gender Education and Equality in a Global Context, London: Routledge, pp. 1-16.
Arnot, M. & Fennell, S. (eds) (2008). Gendered education and national development: critical perspectives and new research Compare: Journal of Comparative Education, Special Issue, 38, 5,142 pp515-657.
Arnot, M. and Fennell. S. (2008) ‘(Re)visiting education and development agendas: contemporary gender research’ in S. Fennell and Arnot, M.(ed) (2008) Gender Education and Equality in a Global Context, London: Routledge, pp. 1-16
Aslam, M. (2009). Education gender gaps in Pakistan: Is the labour market to blame? Economic Development and Cultural Change, (57, 4, 747-784).
Aslam, M., Kingdon, G. & Söderbom, M. (2008). Is Female Education a Pathway to Gender Equality in the Labor Market? Some Evidence from Pakistan, in M.Tembon (Ed.), Girl's Education in the 21st Century: Gender Equality, Empowerment and Growth. The World Bank.
Aslam, M. & Kingdon, G. (2008). Gender and household education expenditure in Pakistan: Engel curve evidence. Applied Economics.
Casely-Hayford,L.,Arnot, M., Dovie, D., and Salifu, Ed. (2010) The Education-Outcomes Gap for Youth in Ghana: Addressing Raised Expectations, No. 15.
Casely-Hayford, L. (2008).Gendered experiences of teaching in poor rural areas of Ghana. In Fennell, S. and Arnot, M. (eds.), Gender Education and Equality in a Global Context: conceptual frameworks and policy perspectives (pp.146-162). London: Routledge.
Casely-Hayford, L., Salifu Mahama, E. & Arnot, M. (2009). The Education outcomes gap in Ghana: young people's insights into schooling, social dislocation and poverty. UKFIET Youth Citizenship and the Politics of Belonging Symposium 2009, Oxford. Submitted to Comparative Education special issue 2011
Chege, F. (2008). Researching gender: explorations into sexuality and HIV/AIDS in African contexts. In. Fennell, S. and Arnot, M. (eds), Gender Education and Equality in a Global Context: conceptual frameworks and policy perspectives (pp.102-116). London: Routledge.
Chege, F. N. and Arnot, M. (2011) The gender-education-poverty nexus: Kenyan youths’ perspectives on being young, gendered and poor, Comparative Education 1-15 if first 48,2, 195-201
Chege, F.,Arnot, M. and Wainaina, P. (2010) Improving Educational Outcomes: Youth as Poverty Expert, No.14.
Chege, F., Wawire, V., Arnot, M. & Wainaina, P. (2009). Citizenship education and political engagement: voices of Kenyan youth from Nyeri and Nairobi. UKFIET Youth Citizenship and the Politics of Belonging Symposium,Oxford. Submitted to Comparative Education, special issue.
Colclough, C. (2008). Global gender goals and the construction of equality: conceptual dilemmas and policy practice. In Fennell, S. and Arnot, M. (eds), Gender Education and Equality in a Global Context: conceptual frameworks and policy perspectives (pp. 51-66). London: Routledge. Also issued as RECOUP Working Paper No 2, Cambridge.
Fennell, S. (2008). Contested gender frameworks: economic models and provider perspectives on education. In Fennell, S. and Arnot, M. (eds). Gender Education and Equality in a Global Context: conceptual frameworks and policy perspectives (pp. 35-50). London: Routledge.
Fennell, S. & Arnot, M. (2008). Decentring hegemonic gender theory: the implications for educational research. Compare: journal of comparative education, 38,5,525-538.
Fennell, S. & Arnot, M. (eds.) (2008). Gender Education and Equality in a Global Context: conceptual frameworks and policy perspectives. London: Routledge.
Irving, M. & Kingdon, G. (2008). Gender patterns in household health expenditure allocation: A study of South Africa, CSAE WPS/2008-32, Department of Economics, University of Oxford. Oct. 2008.
Jeffrey, C., Jeffery, R. & Jeffery, P. (2008) School and madrasah education: gender and the strategies of Muslim young men in rural north India. Compare: journal of comparative education, 38,5,581-594.
Jeffery, P., Jeffery, R., & Jeffrey, C. (2008). Aisha, the madrasah teacher. In M. Banerjee (Ed.), Muslim Lives (pp. 67-79). New Delhi and Bloomington, IN: Yoda and Indiana University Press
Kingdon, G. (2008). Age and gender patterns in household health expenditure allocations in South Africa. Paper presented at the 'Shared Growth and Job Creation in Africa', CSAE Annual Conference, St. Catherine's College, Oxford, 16-18 March 2008.
Lukalo, F. (2014? Forthcoming ) 'Exploring the schooling discourse in a rural community in Kenya' Africa Education Review ( Taylor & Francis- SA),
Lukalo, F. (2014 forthcoming) ‘ Mothers working towards an interpretation of schooling for their daughters and sons in Kenya'. Paper presented during the ASAUK and the British Institute of East Africa.workshop on scholarly writing, in Nairobi , Sept 20- 21, 2013. Submitted to the Journal of Contemporary African Studies/
Lukalo, J., (2012) ' The difficult pathways of mothering and schooling in rural Kenya', OSSREA- Ethiopia Insights into gender, equity and power relations in sub-saharan Africa' information missing
Lukalo, F. (2014? Forthcoming ) 'Exploring the schooling discourse in a rural community in Kenya' Africa Education Review ( Taylor & Francis- SA),
Lukalo, F.K. and Arnot, M. (2010) Schooling All Children: The Policy implications of Mothers’ Educational Decision-making, No. 13
Marshall, H. & Arnot, M. (2008). Globalising the school curriculum: gender, EFA and global citizenship education. In Fennell, S. and Arnot, M. (eds), Gender Education and Equality in a Global Context: conceptual frameworks and policy perspectives (pp. 165-180). London: Routledge.
Mohan, N. & Vaughan, R. (2008). Nationhood and the education of the female citizen in India. In Fennell, S. and Arnot, M. (eds), Gender Education and Equality in a Global Context: conceptual frameworks and policy perspectives (pp. 181-195). London: Routledge.
Naveed, A. and Arnot, M. (2014 in progress) ‘Understanding polyphonic voices of the poor: A habitus listening guide to study the impact of schooling on poverty in Pakistan’.
Naveed, A. (2013) Developing a Bourdieusian analytical framework for the study of schooling and inter-generational poverty in rural Pakistan (unpublished MPhil dissertation). Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge.
Oduro, G.Y & Otsin, M. (2013). Perceptives on HIV/AIDS stigma and discrimination: Voices of some young people in Ghana. Sex Education. 01/ missing vol no. DOI:10.1080/14681811.2012.678941
Oduro, G. Y. (2012). 'Children of the Street': Sexual citizenship and the unprotected lives of Ghanaian street youth. Comparative Education, 48 (1): 41 - 56.
Oduro, G. Yaa, Swartz, S. and Arnot, M. (2012) Gender-based violence: young women’s experiences in the slums and streets of three sub-Saharan African cities, Theory and Research in Education, 10 (3) 275-294.
Oduro,G. Y. and Arnot, M. (2010) Sexuality and HIV/Aids Education: Addressing the Knowledge - Practice Gap amongst Marginalised Ghanaian Youth No.11
Palmer, R. Akabzaa, R. & Casely-Hayford, L. (2009). Looking for Success across Ghana's skilled youth population: implications for policy and education reform. Paper presented at UKFIET Oxford International Conference on Education and Development, 15-17 September 2009.
Ruto, S., Likoye, F., Chege, F. & Arnot, M. (2008). Being young, Kenyan and gendered: constructions of schooling outcomes in urban and rural settings. Paper presented at Nairobi RECOUP conference November 2008.
Swartz, S. and Arnot, M. (Guest Eds) (2013) Youth Citizenship and the Politics of Belonging, London: Routledge. 48 (1) 142 pp
Wainaina, P. Arnot, M. and Chege, F.N. (2011) Developing ethical and democratic citizens in a post-colonial context: citizenship education in Kenya, Educational Research 53,2, 179-192
Wawire, V., Wainaina, P., Chege, F. & Arnot, M. (2008). Conceptualising poverty and well-being in the context of education: local meanings and perceptions from urban and rural Kenyan communities. Paper presented at Nairobi RECOUP conference November 2008.