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Project Publications: Skills Acquisition and its Impact upon Lives and Livelihoods

Altinok, N. & Kingdon, G. (2008). New Evidence on Class Size Effects: A Pupil Fixed Effects Approach. Mimeo, Institute of Education, University of London, May 2008.

Arnot, M. & Jeffery, R. (2009). Education and transformations in transition(s) to adulthood in Ghana, Kenya, India and Pakistan. Paper presented at UKFIET Oxford International Conference on Education and Development, 15-17 September 2009.

Aslam, M., Bari, F., De, A., Kingdon, G. & Kumar, R. (2009). Returns to Schooling, Ability and Cognitive Skills in Pakistan and India. Paper presented at UKFIET Oxford International Conference on Education and Development, 15-17 September 2009.

Awoonor-Williams, M., Nsowah-Nuamah, N. & Teal, F. (2008). Jobs and Skills in Ghana: What types of jobs have been created and where? Mimeo, CSAE, Department of Economics, University of Oxford, March 2009.

Fako, P., Kerr, A., Rankin, N. & Teal, F. (2009). The Returns to Formality and Informality in Urban Africa. Mimeo, CSAE, Department of Economics, University of Oxford.

King, K. (2009). A technical and vocational education and training policy for UNESCO: a background paper.  Presented at the international Workshop on TVET in Bonn, 12-13 January 2009.

King, K. (2009). Education, skills, sustainability and growth: complex relations. International Journal of Educational Development, 29(2), 175-181.

King, K. & Palmer, R. (2009). Introduction to the Special Issue. International Journal of Educational Development, 29(2).

Kingdon, G. & Knight, J. (forthcoming). Unemployment: South Africa's Achilles' Heel, In Aron, J., Kahn B. and Kingdon G. (Eds.,) South African Economic Policy Under Democracy, Oxford University Press, 2009.

Kingdon, G. & Söderbom, M. (2007a). Education, Skills and Labour Market Returns: Evidence from Ghana. Mimeo, CSAE, Department of Economics, University of Oxford, May.

Kingdon, G. & Söderbom, M (2007b). Education, Skills and Labour Market Returns: Evidence from Pakistan. Mimeo, CSAE, Department of Economics, University of Oxford, May 2007.

Kingdon, G. & Muzammil, M. (2009). A political economy of education in India: The case of Uttar Pradesh. Oxford Development Studies, 37 (2), June 2009. A political economy of education in India. OPI Discussion Paper, Oxford Policy Institute

Kingdon, G. & Söderbom, M. (2008). Education, skills and labour market outcomes: Evidence from Pakistan. Mimeo, World Bank Human Development Network.

Kingdon, G. & Muzammil, M. (2009). The school governance environment in India: Implications for teacher accountability, effort and pupil achievement. Mimeo, Institute of Education, June 2009.

Kingdon, G. & Söderbom, M. (2008). Education, skills and labour market outcomes: Evidence from Ghana. Mimeo, World Bank Human Development Network.

Kingdon, G. & Teal, F. (2008). Teacher unions, teacher pay and student achievement in India. CESifo Working Paper Series No. 2428.

Kingdon, G. & Theopold, N. (2008) Do Returns to Education Matter to Schooling Participation?: Evidence from India. Education Economics (16) 4, 329–350.

Knight, J., Li, S. & Quheng, D. (2006). Education and the Poverty Trap in Rural China. Mimeo, CSAE, Department of Economics, University of Oxford. September.

Korboe, D. (2007). Can skills training help break the cycle of deprivation for the poor: lessons from Northern Ghana. NORRAG News, 38, January 2007.

Krakah, A., Awoonor-Williams, M. & Teal, F. (2009). Manufacturing Firms in Ghana: Comparing the 1987 and 2003 Censuses. Mimeo, CSAE, March 2009.

Monk, C., Sandefur, J. & Teal, F.(2007). Does Doing an Apprenticeship Pay Off? Evidence from Ghana. Mimeo. Oxford: CSAE, Department of Economics, University of Oxford.

Monk, C., Sandefur, J. & Teal, F. (2007). Skills and Earnings in Formal and Informal Employment in Urban Ghana. Mimeo, CSAE, Department of Economics, University of oxford, September.

Monk, C. & Teal, F. (2007). Health Shocks, Job Quality and Self Employment in Africa. Mimeo, CSAE, Department of Economics, University of Oxford, September.

Nsowah-Nuamah, N., Awoonor-Williams, M. & Teal, F. (2009) Jobs and Skills in Ghana: What types of jobs have been created and where? Paper presented at UKFIET Oxford International Conference on Education and Development, 15-17 September 2009.

Odoro, A. (2008). An investigation into poverty and educational outcomes in Ghana. (RECOUP Ghana Meta Analysis Working Paper 5). Accra, Ghana: Associates for Change.

Palmer, R., Akabzaa, R. & Casely-Hayford, L. (2009). Looking for Success across Ghana's skilled youth population: implications for policy and education reform. Paper presented at UKFIET Oxford International Conference on Education and Development, 15-17 September 2009.

Palmer, R. (2008). Skills Development, Employment and Sustained Growth in Ghana: Sustainability Challenges. NORRAG News, 40, 54-55.

Rankin, N., Sandefur, J. & Teal, F. (2007). Learning and Earning in Africa: Why It Pays to Go to School. Mimeo, CSAE, Department of Economics, University of Oxford, June.

Teal, F. (2007). Formal and Informal Employment in Ghana: Job Creation and Skills. Mimeo, CSAE, Department of Economics, University of Oxford, June.