Project Publications: Public-Private Partnerships in the Provision of Education
Altinok, N. & Kingdon, G. (2008) New evidence on class size effects: A pupil fixed effects approach. Mimeo. London: Institute of Education (may 2008).
Aslam, M. & Kingdon, G. (2009). 'Public-Private Sector Segmentation in the Labour Market in Pakistan', Journal of Asian Economics, 20 (1), January 2009.
Casely-Hayford, L. (in press). Non State Actors in Ghana: a look at the School for Life Model. Compare.
Fennell, S. (2009). Exit, voice and loyalty in new educational partnerships in Pakistan. (based on Pakistan data by Shailaja Fennell and Rabea Malik). Paper presented at UKFIET Oxford International Conference on Education and Development, 15-17 September 2009..
Fennell, S. (2007). Educating the Poor: Deceptions of Private Schooling. Paper presented at the Symposium on 'Excluded youth: poverty, education and citizenship at the VIII International Conference on Asian Youth and Childhoods, 2007, organised by the International Sociological Association (ISA) in Lucknow (India), 22-24 November, 2007.
Fennell, S. (2008). Can School Type Help to Identify the Supply and Demand of Education. Paper presented at RECOUP Cambridge seminar series, 3 June 2008, Cambridge.
Fennell, S. (2008).Decentralisation and the Implications for Indian Education. Paper presented at British South Asian Studies Conference, 26-28 April 2008.
Fennell, S., & Jeffery, R. (2008). Privatisation not partnerships? Re-assessing educational providers in India and Pakistan. Paper presented at the 20th Conference of the European Association of South Asian Studies, Manchester.
Fennell, S. (2008). Presentation to ICEE (ICICI center for elementary education) research group, on P3EOP, 21-22nd August 2008, in Pune, India
King, K. (2009). Editorial: Moyo on Aid Effectiveness and China in Africa, Norrag News, 42, 7-14
King, K. (2008). Foreword to special issue, The New Politics of Partnership: Peril or Promise? Norrag News, 41, 5-6.
King, K. (2008). Editorial: The Promise and Peril of Partnership, Norrag News, 41, 7-11.
Kingdon, G. (2008). School-Sector Effects on Student Achievement in India. In Chakrabarti, R. and Peterson, P. (eds.) 2008. School Choice International: Exploring Public-Private Partnerships, MIT Press.
Kingdon, G. (2007). The Progress of School Education in India. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 23 (2), 168-195.
Kingdon, G. & Teal, F. (2007). Does Performance-Related Pay for Teachers Improve Student Achievement? Some Evidence from India.Economics of Education Review, 26 (4), 473-86.
Kingdon, G. & Teal. F. (2008). Teacher unions, teacher pay and student achievement in India. CESifo Working Paper Series No. 2428
Kingdon, G. (in press). Private and Public Schooling: The Indian Experience. In Chakrabarti, R. and P. Peterson (eds.), School Choice International. MIT Press.
Kingdon, G. (2008). Functioning of primary schooling in rural north India. Presentation to the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, in Delhi on 28th July 2008.