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Arnot, M. & Jeffery, R. (2009). Education and transformations in transition(s) to adulthood in Ghana, Kenya, India and Pakistan. Paper presented at the UKFIET Oxford International Conference on Education and Development, 15-17 September 2009.

Aslam, M. (2009). Parental Education and Child Health in Pakistan - Understanding the Pathways of Impact. Paper given at the CSAE lunchtime seminar in May 2009.

Aslam, M. (2009). 'Collecting Primary Level Quantitative Data - Experience from a Public and Private School Survey in Pakistan'. In (eds.) Multidisciplinary Approaches in Educational Research: Case Studies from Pakistan and the UK .

Aslam, M. (2009). Education Gender Gaps in Pakistan: Is the Labour Market to Blame? Economic Development and Cultural Change, 57(4), July 2009.

Aslam, M. (2008). Maternal Education and Child Health – Understanding the Pathways in Pakistan. Paper presented at a RECOUP-MHHDC dissemination seminar. Islamabad: MHHDC.

Aslam, M. (2008). Returns to Schooling, Ability and Skills. Paper presented at a RECOUP-MHHDC dissemination seminar. Islamabad: MHHDC.

Aslam, M., Bari, F. & Kingdon, G. (2008). Returns to Schooling, Ability and Skills. Mimeo. Oxford: CSAE, Department of Economics, University of Oxford.

Aslam, M., Bari, F.,De. A., Kingdon, G. & Kumar, R. (2009). Returns to Schooling, Ability and Cognitive Skills in Pakistan and India. Paper presented at the UKFIET Oxford International Conference on Education and Development, 15-17 September 2009.

Aslam, M., Kingdon, G. & Malik, S. (2008). Maternal Education and Child Health – Understanding the Pathways in Pakistan.

Aslam, M., Kingdon, G. & Söderbom, M. (2008). Is Female Education a Path to Gender Equality in the Labour Market? Some Evidence from Pakistan. In Girls' Education in the 21st Century: Gender Equality, Empowerment and Growth.(Tembon, M. eds) World Bank.

Aslam M. & Kingdon, G. (2009).Public-Private Sector Segmentation in the Labour Market in Pakistan. Journal of Asian Economics, 20 (1), January 2009.

Aslam, M. & Kingdon, G. (2008). Gender and Household Education Expenditure in Pakistan: Engel Curve Evidence. Applied Economics.

Bhatti, F. & Jeffery, R. (2009) Health and Fertility outcomes of education for poor women in Pakistan. Paper presented at the UKFIET Oxford International Conference on Education and Development, 15-17 September 2009.

Bhatti, F. & Jeffery, R. (2009). Education's role in health and fertility change in Pakistan. Paper presented at the UKFIET Oxford International Conference on Education and Development, 15-17 September 2009.

Fennell, S., Agbley, G. & Irfan, S. (2010). Perspectives on types of schools from Ghana and Pakistan: revisiting the relationship between intergenerational poverty and education. Policy Brief No. 18.

King, K. & Malik, R. (2008). Donor coordination in an uncoordinated development environment: the case of education in Pakistan. Mimeo.

Kingdon, G. & Söderbom, M. (2008). Education, skills and labour market outcomes: Evidence from Pakistan. Mimeo, World Bank Human Development.

Naveed, A. & Tanweer-ul-Islam. (2010). Estimating Multidimensional Poverty and Identifying the Poor in Pakistan: An Alternative Approach. RECOUP Working Paper No. 28.