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Economic and labour-market outcomes of education

Altinok, N. & G. Kingdon. (2008) New Evidence on Class Size Effects: A Pupil Fixed Effects Approach. Mimeo. London: Institute of Education, University of London.

Aron, J., Kahn, B. & Kingdon, G. (eds.) (2009). South African Economic Policy Under Democracy, Oxford University Press.

Aslam, M. (2009). Education Gender Gaps in Pakistan: Is the Labour Market to Blame? Economic Development and Cultural Change.

Aslam, M. (2008). Returns to Schooling, Ability and Skills. Paper presented at a RECOUP-MHHDC dissemination seminar. Islamabad: MHHDC

Aslam, M., Bari, F. & G. Kingdon (2008). Returns to Schooling, Ability and Skills. Mimeo. Oxford: CSAE, Department of Economics, University of Oxford.

Aslam, M., Kingdon, G. & Söderbom, M. (2008). Is Female Education a Pathway to Gender equality in the Labor Market? Some Evidence from Pakistan, in Tembon, M. (ed) World Bank volume Education: A Critical Path to Gender Equality and Empowerment.

Aslam, M. & Kingdon, G. (2008). Gender and Household Education Expenditure in Pakistan: Engel Curve Evidence. Applied Economics, 40 (20),2573-2591.

Aslam, M. & Kingdon, G. (2009). Public-Private Sector Segmentation in the Labour Market in Pakistan. Journal of Asian Economics, 20(1), 34-49.

Awoonor-Williams, M., Nsowah-Nuamah, N. & Teal, F. (2009). Jobs and Skills in Ghana: What types of jobs have been created and where? Mimeo, CSAE, March 2009.

De, A., Endow, T. & Ghosh, S. (2010). Educational Outcomes and Poverty: Some Findings from a Household Survey in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. Working Paper No. 32.

Jeffery, R., Colclough, C., & Singal, N. (2008). New Approaches to Cross-Cultural research on Education's Outcomes amongst the Poor: Reflections on RECOUP's Methodology. Paper for BAICE Annual Conference, Glasgow.

King, K. (2009). Education, skills, sustainability and growth: complex relations. International Journal of Educational Development 29 (2), 175-181.

King, K. (2008). Introduction to the Special Issue. NORRAG News, 40, 2-7.

King, K. (2008). Editorial: The Many Faces of Sustainability in Education Expansion, Innovation and Economic Growth. NORRAG News, 40, 10-16.

King, K. & Palmer, R. (2009)  Introduction to the Special Issue. International Journal of Educational Development 29 (2), 115-16.

Kingdon, G. (2010). The Impact of the Sixth Pay Commission on Teacher Salaries: Assessing Equity and Efficiency Effects.  Working Paper No. 29.

Kingdon, G. (2008). School-sector Effects on Student Achievement in India. In Chakrabarti, R. and Peterson, P. (eds). School Choice International: The Latest Evidence, MIT Press.

Kingdon, G, (2008). Functioning of primary schooling in rural north India. PowerPoint Presentation to the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, in Delhi on 28th July 2008.

Kingdon, G. (2008). Teacher unions, teacher pay and student performance in India Working Paper 2428. CES-ifo, University of Munich.

Kingdon, G. (2008). Age and gender patterns in household health expenditure allocations in South Africa. Paper presented at the 'Shared Growth and Job Creation in Africa, CSAE Annual Conference, St. Catherine's College, Oxford, 16-18 March, 2008.

Kingdon, G. & Knight, J. (2009). Unemployment: South Africa's Achilles' Heel, In Aron, J., Kahn B. and Kingdon G. (Eds.,) South African Economic Policy Under Democracy, Oxford University Press.

Kingdon, G. & Knight, J. (2009). Community, Comparisons and Subjective Well Being. Presentation given at the Institute of Education, University of London, on 18th March 2009.

Kingdon, G. & Muzammil, M. (2009). A political economy of education in India: The case of Uttar Pradesh. Oxford Development Studies, 37 (2), June 2009.

Kingdon, G. & Muzammil, M. (2009) The school governance environment in India: Implications for teacher accountability, effort and pupil achievement. Mimeo, Institute of Education, June 2009.

Kingdon, G. & Söderbom, M. (2008). Education, skills and labour market outcomes: Evidence from Pakistan. Mimeo, World Bank Human Development.

Kingdon, G. & Söderbom, M. (2008). Education, skills and labour market outcomes: Evidence from Ghana. Mimeo, World Bank Human Development.

Kingdon, G. & Teal, F. (2009) Teacher Unions, Teacher Pay and Student Performance in India: A Pupil Fixed Effects Approach. Presentation given at the Royal Economic Society (RES) Conference on 22 April 2009.

Kingdon, G. & Theopold, N. (2008). Do Returns to Education Matter to Schooling Participation?: Evidence from India. Education Economics, 16 (4),329-350.

Knight, J. (2010). Education and the poverty trap in rural China: Closing the trap. Oxford Development Studies, 38(1), 1-24.

Knight, J. (2009). Education and the poverty trap in rural China: Setting the trap. Oxford Development Studies, 37(4),311-332.

Korboe, D. (2007). Can skills training help break the cycle of deprivation for the poor: lessons from Northern Ghana. NORRAG News, 38, January 2007.

Krakah, A., Awoonor-Williams, M. & Teal, F. (2009). Manufacturing Firms in Ghana: Comparing the 1987 and 2003 Censuses. Mimeo, CSAE, March 2009.

Monk, C., Sandefur, J. & Teal, F. (2007). Does Doing an Apprenticeship Pay Off? Evidence from Ghana. Mimeo. Oxford: CSAE, Department of Economics, University of Oxford.

Monk, C. & Kingdon, G. (2009). Health, Nutrition and Academic Achievement: New Evidence from India. Paper presented at CSAE conference, School of Economics, Oxford

Odoro, A. (2008). An investigation into poverty and educational outcomes in Ghana. (RECOUP Ghana Meta Analysis Working Paper 5). Accra, Ghana: Associates for Change.

Palmer, R. (2008). Skills Development, Employment and Sustained Growth in Ghana: Sustainability Challenges. NORRAG News, 40, 54-55.

Teal, F. (2008). Education, incomes and job opportunities in Africa: From investment to jobs. Mimeo. Oxford: CSAE, Department of Economics, University of Oxford (Sep 2008).

Teal, F. (2010). Higher Education and Economic Development in Africa: a Review of Channels and Interactions. Working Paper No. 33.

Wumbee, J. (2007). Meta Analysis:The effect of household wealth on educational attainment in Ghana. (RECOUP Ghana Working Paper 2). Accra, Ghana: Associates for Change.